
Smarter Way to Sell

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E-Commerce Services

E­commerce is the most effective solution to expand the customer base and achieve the most effective platform with minimal investment. E­commerce has completely transformed the entire online shopping landscape. This is why retail companies go after eCommerce website development companies to follow the trend and store online. After all, it is the e­commerce space that helps businesses endorse their products and services among a broad audience. Ecom Energize, as a highly recommended eCommerce website design and development company, offers its clients unmatched eCommerce development solutions. We have an expert team of dedicated, skilled and passionate developers, consultants, and project managers to ensure our clients receive impeccable ecommerce web development services starting from Product Management, Marketplace Inventory Management to eCommerce friendly Product Photography and display services.

Our Services

Quality Services

SEO Service

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Ecommerce SEO is the process of making your online store more visible in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Amazon seller center account

Setting Up a Seller Central Account

Issues concerning your seller account will never be a problem with us at the helm. We'll resolve these immediately and guide you through all the intricacies of registering your account.


Account Management

Whether you use Vendor Central, Vendor Express, Seller Central and/or FBA, we manage the services that work best for you to fully maximize sales. Maintaining a healthy Seller Account in the Amazon Marketplace is a must to scale your business. You don't want to spend your time on taxing issues that will affect your operations' flow, which means wasted potential revenue.

amazon Listing

Listing Optimization

In optimizing your product pages, we maximize keyword rankings. Our SEO proficiency allows us to efficiently utilize them for increasing and maintaining your pages' conversion rates.

Amazon Packaging

Prep & Logistics

As your reliable third­party prep service provider, we take charge of handling all your shipment­related necessities. Our unquestionable experience has made us fully knowledgeable of all the rules and guidelines involving shipments and how to manage Amazon accounts.

amazon Logo

Brand Registry & Protection

Registering your brand on Amazon is an extensive procedure requiring concentrated effort and ample time. In partnering with our account management team, expect that we'll manage each process diligently and take cake charge of submitting your documents. We'll safeguard your brand from malicious entities such as counterfeiters and unauthorized sellers.


Enhanced Brand Content

Allow us to improve your listing's conversion rate by highlighting your product's benefits with Enhanced Brand Content. We'll provide keywordindexed compelling copies that elaborate further on the advantages your product offers. These will be presented in a strategic layout with captivating images that perfectly complement the targeted descriptions.


Product Listing Management

We handle all processes involving your product listings, from placing them in their specific category down to adding specific details like SKU, content, search terms, attributes, and more. Additionally, we also take charge of doing bulk and parent­child listings for your products on Amazon and other details that contribute towards winning the buy box through Seller Central.

shirt - paint - shoes - belt - watch

Product Launch

Launch your private label the right way by taking advantage of our product launch services. With us at the helm, you can look forward to a strategically planned and executed launch that elicits favorable customer feedback. We use effective marketing techniques and combine these with adequate brand­protective measures that keep your content safe from hijackers and counterfeiters in the Amazon Marketplace.


Maintaining a healthy Seller Account in the Amazon Marketplace is a must to scale your business. You don’t want to spend your time on taxing issues that will affect your operations’ flow, which means wasted potential revenue. Our team at Technohands Solution will provide you a comprehensive approach in Amazon support handling, optimizing the customer service experience, and protecting your seller account health in all aspects.

Our services

Amazon FBA & Product Launch Service

For first­time and experienced Amazon sellers, launching a new product can still be challenging and can definitely make or break your sales results online. Launching on Amazon marketplaces requires more than keyword research, positive reviews, and product photography. Increasing sales velocity is crucial for a viral launch. With our Technohands Solution professionals’ experience, we can relieve you from the
pitfalls and struggles of having a failed product launch and set you up for success.

Amazon Listing Optimization Service

Amazon’s ever-changing algorithm makes it difficult to keep up. Yesterday’s best practices on images and keywords may not necessarily work today. A ‘fully optimized listing’ essentially has an adaptable strategy because “Set it and Forget it.” simply won’t cut it. Technohands Solution understands what’s being evaluated in your Amazon listing, making it a valuable search result to potential customers. Our team focuses on assessing your listing and scanning it for any strategic gaps. We monitor, update, and deliver high-quality listings for shoppers and the Amazon algorithm.

Amazon Brand Protection Solution

Dealing with a counterfeit seller or hijacker can get expensive fast. As Amazon sellers, you’ll be facing constant challenges with your product listings. Without the necessary protection against these violators, your sales will take a huge impact, and so will your expenses. At Technohands Solution, we want to alleviate these stresses by providing the support and assistance you need to protect your brand on Amazon.Technohands Solution puts up the necessary protection needed to prevent your listing from common nuisances. This includes counterfeit products, unauthorized sellers, fake reviews, and more. The quicker you take measures to avoid these, the faster and stronger you can grow your brand on the Amazon marketplace.

Amazon Suspension Appeal Service.

If you’re selling on Amazon, Account Suspension is your biggest obstacle. Once you receive that dreaded notification that your account has been suspended, you need to act on this, and you need to do it fast. However, given how tricky suspensions are, you can’t afford to make mistakes. You need to reinstate your account quickly and resolve the issue using the best solution – this is where we come in. Technohands Solution provides services that help Amazon Accounts prepare for the unexpected or resolve Amazon account suspension and avoid losses in time, money, and effort.

Amazon FBA Reimbursement Service

We know how stressful it is to reconcile your inventory. That’s why we at Technohands Solution want to help make it easier for you! With thousands of transactions happening on Amazon every day, mistakes and errors can occur at your expense. Your FBA Seller account can get overwhelming when you need to keep track of all pending or lost items at the fulfillment center. It’s likely that Amazon FBA indeed owes you, and even if you’re unable to check your seller account frequently, it’s essential to claim those pending reimbursements. Refunds and reimbursements can get a little complicated and time-consuming, but don’t worry because Technohands Solution has that all covered.

Amazon PPC Management Services

Amazon PPC campaigns are one of the key elements to a successful listing. When done efficiently, PPC can increase your visibility and scale your business.Amazon advertising can quickly become overwhelming and challenging without proper management. With rising advertising costs, ill-managed manual campaigns, and no clear strategy, the amount of time and effort can become exhausting for many sellers.Technohands Solution’s Amazon PPC management service provides strategic solutions for your Amazon products. Our team of expert PPC specialists develops campaigns explicitly catered to your industry to help maximize your sales on Amazon while keeping your costs low.

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