Top Google Ads update you need to know for 2023

Top Google Ads update you need to know for 2023

As digital advertising continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying updated with the latest trends and advancements is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge. Google Ads, being one of the most prominent advertising platforms, consistently introduces new features and updates to enhance campaign performance and maximise ROI.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top Google Ads updates for 2023 that you need to know to elevate your advertising game and drive exceptional results.

Here Are The Latest Updates In Google Ads

Enhanced Audience Targeting           

In 2023, Google Ads is taking audience targeting to new heights. The platform is rolling out advanced audience segmentation options, allowing advertisers to reach their target audience with laser precision.

With options like in-market audiences, detailed demographics, and affinity targeting, you can fine-tune your campaigns to reach the right people at the right time, maximising the impact of your advertising efforts.

Expanded Video Advertising Opportunities

Video advertising continues to dominate the digital landscape, and Google Ads recognizes its potential. In 2023, Google is introducing exciting updates to enhance video advertising capabilities.

Advertisers will have access to new ad formats, such as interactive shoppable videos and immersive augmented reality experiences. These innovations will captivate viewers and drive higher engagement, enabling you to tell your brand’s story in more compelling and interactive ways.

AI-Driven Ad Automation

Automation is becoming increasingly prevalent in digital advertising, and Google Ads is at the forefront of this revolution. In 2023, Google is leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to provide advertisers with intelligent ad automation tools.

From smart bidding strategies that optimise for specific conversion goals to dynamic ad creation that personalised ads in real-time, these AI-driven features will streamline campaign management, increase efficiency, and deliver better results.

Privacy-First Advertising Solutions

As user privacy becomes a paramount concern, Google Ads is prioritising privacy-first advertising solutions. In response to evolving privacy regulations and changes in user behaviour, Google is introducing updates that respect user privacy while still delivering effective ad targeting.

Enhanced privacy controls, contextual targeting options, and aggregated insights will allow advertisers to reach their target audience without compromising user privacy, fostering trust and transparency in digital advertising.

Cross-Channel Attribution

Understanding the customer journey across multiple touchpoints is crucial for optimising advertising campaigns. In 2023, Google Ads is introducing advanced cross-channel attribution capabilities.

Advertisers will gain deeper insights into how various channels contribute to conversions, allowing for more accurate measurement of campaign performance and better allocation of ad spend. This data-driven approach will empower advertisers to make informed decisions and achieve maximum return on investment.

Cost Per Lead Increases (Nearly) Across The Board

Hold onto your seats as we dive into the latest findings from the Google Ads benchmarks report!

Brace yourself for a significant revelation: the cost per lead (CPL) has soared across a staggering 91% of industries. On average, CPL has witnessed a whopping 19% surge, but brace yourself for even more eye-opening statistics. The Arts/Entertainment, Travel, and Furniture sectors have experienced jaw-dropping increases of 134%, 69%, and 54% respectively.

What could be driving this surge? Experts suggest a combination of factors, including rising prices due to inflation and ads popping up for low commercial intent queries, leading to a dip in conversion rates and subsequently inflating the CPL. Stay tuned for more insights from the ever-evolving world of Google Ads!

Expanded Text Ads Finally Meet Their End

For the past 22 years, marketers have poured their heart and soul into creating impeccable text ads, tirelessly refining and testing their PPC campaigns on Google. Along the way, Google introduced various search ad formats, bringing new dimensions to the advertising landscape.

In 2016, the introduction of Expanded Text Ads doubled the size of standard text ads, and in 2018, they expanded further. However, after years of evolution, Google bid farewell to Expanded Text Ads in June, ending an era that had defined PPC advertising for years. Advertisers can no longer create this format that once held such prominence in the world of online advertising. It’s time for marketers to adapt and embrace the exciting changes that lie ahead!

Say goodbye to the old, and welcome the new: Google’s default ad type has transformed. Introducing the responsive search ad (RSA), a game-changer for advertisers. With RSAs, you provide Google with various text assets, and using the power of machine learning, it crafts a unique ad for each search on the SERP. The potential is astounding, with the ability to generate over 40,000 ad variations with sufficient assets.

However, critics raise concerns about RSAs producing suboptimal combinations and inconsistent performance. As a result, this change restricts brands’ control over their ad messages and testing processes on the SERP. The future of advertising is evolving, and the RSA is at the forefront. Let’s explore the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead!

Do Smart Shopping And Local Campaigns

E-commerce advertisers have become well acquainted with shopping ads, a powerful tool in their advertising arsenal. In 2018, Google introduced a Smart Shopping campaign, enabling businesses to promote their shopping ads across Search, Display, and YouTube. This breakthrough simplified the process, requiring just a product feed in Google Merchant Center to access valuable ad placements across the web.

Furthermore, in 2019, Google unveiled Local Campaigns, specifically designed to assist local businesses in promoting their Google Business Profile on platforms like Search, Maps, Gmail, Display, and youtube google ads.

These campaigns proved to be a boon for small businesses, delivering impressive returns on smaller budgets and streamlining campaign management through automation. However, earlier this year, Google made a significant change. Advertisers were no longer able to create these campaign types and were instead automatically “upgraded” to Google’s newest campaign type, Performance Max. As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, let’s delve into the impact and possibilities presented by this latest transformation.

Get ready to celebrate the arrival of Google’s Performance Max campaigns, packed with unique features and expanded reach across new ad placements, including Google’s Discovery feed. This exciting development has advertisers buzzing with delight! With increased reach, additional placements, and enhanced automation, many marketers have witnessed a remarkable surge in conversions and lower CPA (cost-per-click), all without the hassle of managing multiple campaigns.

However, not every advertiser is waving the victory flag over the discontinuation of Smart Shopping and Local campaigns. Google’s fully automated Performance Max campaigns require a substantial amount of data and budget to truly thrive. While technically feasible to run these campaigns at any budget, advertisers have observed superior outcomes with larger budgets, starting at least $100 per day.

The expanded ad inventory offered by Performance Max might be seen as a triumph in terms of reaching a wider audience by some, while others might express concerns about potential uncontrollable costs.

Similar Audiences Are Next

Get ready for a major shift in audience targeting! In addition to advertisers’ remarketing efforts, Google released Similar Audiences almost ten years ago. Inspired by the success of Facebook’s lookalike audiences, Google doubled down on Similar Audiences, making them an essential tool for many advertisers running Google Ad campaigns. However, both Google and Facebook faced significant challenges due to evolving privacy standards impacting audience solutions.

To adapt to these changes, Google recently announced its plan to phase out Similar Audiences and replace them with “more powerful and durable” audience solutions next year. Similar Audiences have no longer been available for new campaigns or ad groups. They will be eliminated from all advertising targeting by August 2023.

This transition marks a pivotal moment for advertisers, urging them to explore alternative audience strategies that align with the evolving privacy landscape. Stay tuned for the unveiling of Google’s new audience solutions and get ready to revamp your targeting tactics for enhanced campaign performance. Exciting changes lie ahead!

New Competitor Advertising Insights On The SERP

Let’s turn the tide and focus on some exciting updates to counter the recent wave of sad news.

Google has been making strides to enhance transparency and empower users with more information about targeted ads. In October, they unveiled My Ad Center, a groundbreaking platform that allows searchers to delve into how advertisers engage with them.

One standout feature of My Ad Center is the introduction of “Advertiser Pages.” These pages provide a comprehensive view of an advertiser’s ad history over the past 30 days, offering users valuable insights. To access an Advertiser Page, simply click on the three stacked dots beside an ad. You’ll discover details from Verified Advertisers, including their legal business name and location.

But here’s where it gets fascinating—by clicking on “See more ads by this advertiser,” you can explore all the ads the advertiser has run within the past month. You even have the option to filter the results by text, image, or video ads.

While this tool aims to enhance transparency for Google’s users, it also holds immense potential for existing advertisers. It offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into competitors’ strategies and stay ahead of the game. The possibilities are endless!

New Business Name And Logo Ad Assets

In the fierce battle for attention on a crowded SERP, businesses often face challenges in standing out and protecting their brand identity. But fear not! Google has come to the rescue with a new line of defence exclusively for verified advertisers. Introducing new business name and logo ad assets on the SERP, designed to offer protection and enhance performance.

These visually captivating assets provide verified advertisers with a powerful tool to differentiate themselves from the competition. Not only do they catch the eye and boost ad appeal, but they also play a crucial role in combating impersonation and fraud. Google’s stringent policies surrounding these assets aim to maintain a secure advertising environment.

To take advantage of these exciting features, advertisers must complete the verification process with Google. Once verified, they can showcase their legal business name or a precise match with their domain name, instilling trust and authenticity. Logos are required to be prominently displayed, ensuring a seamless connection with the verified advertiser’s identity.

New Voiceover Features For Video Ads

Get ready to unleash the power of your video ads with exciting new features from Google! Inspired by the soaring popularity of TikTok and its user-friendly editing capabilities, Google has introduced enhancements to its video ad content this summer.

One of the standout improvements is the ability for advertisers to effortlessly add a voice-over to their existing YouTube video ads, with no additional editing required. In the past, Google found that less than half of video ads included a voice-over.

However, their research has revealed that incorporating a voice-over can lead to a 25% increase in ad recall and a 50% reduction in cost per lifted user compared to the original advertisements.

Now, advertisers have the freedom to choose from eight different voices, including four male and four female options, to bring their ads to life. With the convenience of Google Ads, they can easily provide their script, preview, and edit their voice-overs without the need for additional video editing software or prior video expertise.

It’s time to amplify the impact of your video ads and captivate your audience like never before. Embrace the power of voice-overs and harness the potential for higher recall and more cost-effective campaigns.

Audio Ads Hit Youtube & Smart Speakers

Get ready to tap into the booming world of streaming content and OTT services with Google’s exciting new offering! As consumer habits shift towards streaming and on-demand entertainment, advertisers are quick to adapt their strategies and budgets.

In response to this trend, Google proudly unveiled its audio ad campaigns earlier this year, catering to the ever-expanding audiences of music and podcast listeners on YouTube.

This innovative video campaign subtype allows advertisers to connect with users in the moments when they’re immersed in music or podcasts. Unlike traditional highly visual video content, these audio ads are strategically designed to capture attention and deliver impactful messages during these audio-centric experiences.

With Google’s audio ad campaigns, you can effectively engage with your target audience in a context where visual content might not shine as brightly. Embrace the power of audio and unlock new avenues to connect with your audience while they enjoy their favourite music or podcasts.

A Broad Match Beta Test Leaves Us Uncertain

Hold on tight as we navigate the twists and turns of the latest change from Google. Brace yourself for a mixture of excitement and uncertainty as we delve into the details.

In a surprising move, Google unveiled a limited beta feature in October that allows advertisers to activate broad keyword targeting at the campaign level. While this aligns with Google’s ongoing emphasis on broad match and Smart Bidding, it did send a shiver down the spines of some advertisers to see an option devoid of match types, even if it’s just in the beta testing phase.

What lies ahead in the realm of keyword match types? The answer remains uncertain. Rest assured, Google has assured us that Google ads keyword planner match types are here to stay. However, the statement from Ginny Marvin, “We have nothing else to share at this time,” leaves us with a sense of intrigue and leaves the future open to interpretation.

As we eagerly anticipate more updates, we ponder the possibilities. Will we witness a future where keyword match types evolve or even disappear altogether? Only time will reveal the path that Google chooses to tread. In the meantime, we stay alert, keeping our eyes peeled for further revelations.

So, buckle up for this rollercoaster ride and stay tuned for future developments. The ever-changing landscape of keyword targeting keeps us on our toes, and together, we navigate this uncharted territory.


To thrive in the dynamic world of digital advertising, keeping up with the latest Google Ads updates is essential. The top updates for 2023 offer exciting opportunities to enhance audience targeting, leverage video advertising, embrace AI-driven automation, prioritise user privacy, and achieve cross-channel attribution.

By staying ahead of the curve and harnessing these updates, you can elevate your advertising strategies, connect with your target audience effectively, and drive outstanding results. Embrace the power of Google Ads’ latest features, and let your advertising campaigns soar to new heights in 2023 and beyond.

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